Bringing the Gospel to life

by rediscovering powerful practices of the
New Testament Church for today

Equipping congregations of Jesus followers to embody, demonstrate, and share the Gospel Good News of the transformational Way-of-life “in Christ” testified to in Scripture.

Helping ekklesia-communities to “live God’s Word together” by recovering and reimagining for today the 4 powerful but much neglected New Testament practices of. . . .

  1. Radical Kinship

crosses economic, social, racial, gender and other boundaries to create neo-families “in Christ.”


2. Table Fellowship

unites worship with real meals shared by believers around tables together in homes and other common spaces.


3. Participatory Worship

realizes the scriptural testimony to the “priesthood of all believers” through non-hierarchical plural leadership and ministry.


4. Active Disciple-Making

empowers all community members into responsible roles that energize worship and loving service in the transformational Way-of-Jesus.


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